Pre-fab & Pre-assembly for Safety, Quality, & Speed

One of the primary advantages of receiving a Mapes canopy fully pre-assembled is to reduce the least efficient part of the canopy installation, the field assembly of the canopy. Many times, a working construction site is less than an ideal environment to assemble a pre-fabricated canopy system. Working around ongoing public activities, unfavorable weather elements, using improvised spaces to properly assemble a canopy (or canopies) and the understandable learning curve that comes for those working with an unfamiliar product.

Secondly, making certain the people with the necessary skills are on-site and available when needed can also be a challenge. Minimizing activities that require additional field coordination is always an ongoing concern for most construction projects.

When experienced Mapes employees that specialize in the assembly of our pre-engineered product can properly and precisely assemble the canopy in an ideally controlled production facility, all of these challenges are relieved when the canopy arrives pre-assembled and ready for immediate undertaking of the actual installation.

We’ve also found that when our canopies are assembled by Mapes employees in our shop, there are far fewer replacement part requests and water leakage issues down the road.

We simply eliminate the concern about how to deal with the collective challenges that are typical, and mostly unavoidable, when a canopy arrives that needs field assembly. With pre-assembly, most of the subset of concerns associated with canopy installation are all but completely avoided when the canopy arrives pre-assembled and actual installation can begin quickly.

Mapes canopies are designed and engineered with the intention of meeting wind & drift loads anywhere in the country. Our entire pre-assembly crew is very aware of the care and detail necessary to be able to confidently assemble a canopy to meet the high-load demand our canopies are able to handle. We have an experienced crew, a dedicated area within our production facility for the sole purpose of pre-assembly along with all the necessary tools and support structures to make sure each canopy is properly assembled and ready to install. Our canopies are assembled in an indoor environment and properly packaged for shipment. All necessary hardware and other materials are included in weather-proof shipping enclosures ready to be delivered to the construction site to be unwrapped with all necessary hardware included for a quick and efficient installation.

Explore our canopies now.

Project Example 1

Project Example 2

Project Example 3



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